Tiffany Wollman

Tiffany Wollman

CAAF Residency @cSPACE, November 2018

Suite #435 – 1721 29 Ave SW, Calgary, AB T2T 6T7

Open Studio: November 27, 2018


During her residency, Tiffany Wollman will be working on a series of oil paintings that tell stories of the Canadian landscape and people when water freezes. There is something magical and special about snow, from the tracks people and animals leave in its surface, the way shadows cast blue upon its glowing white body to how it makes the boughs of trees heavy and cloud-like. It is also the extra layers of clothing one must wear, rosy cheeks, how the snowflakes dot the sky, and the activities that require below zero temperatures—ice skating, building snowmen and tobogganing. Tiffany will paint aspects of Canadian Winter through the lens of her experiences with her daughter.