Transience: Capturing Movement and Light
May 6, 2018 – September 18, 2018
Gallery 505 is a Window Gallery located in the lobby of 505 – 8th Ave SW
The work of all four artists within this exhibition explore the transient nature of movement and light through varied artist mediums such as photography, print and sculpture.
Working with a pinhole camera and long exposure times, Dianne Bos’ photograph Stampede Midway 1 captures the movement of the carousel. Its many dizzying rotations, high above us, blend together to create the final image. Within William Anderson’s print Sun Trailing, the white light creates a floating web-like mass reminiscent of the style of gestural expressionism. Trudy Golley’s Aurora (Japan) explores the elements of light interacting with a three-dimensional ceramic sculpture. The qualities of light are highlighted through the application of a lustrous gold finish or obscured by the shadows created within the spiral’s inner curves. In Velma Foster’s Echo, movement is achieved through a precise grid of reflective dots, whose surrounding ink gains an increasingly pronounced pendulum-like swing as the eye moves diagonally downward from left to right.
CALGARY ALLIED ARTS FOUNDATION gratefully acknowledges the generous support of:
679 CAPITAL, The City of Calgary Public Art Program and Calgary Arts Development.