Shiyao Fu

Shiyao Fu

CAAF Residency, March – April 2023

During her residency Shiyao will explore individuals’ relationships with places. This project arises from her previous sound installation, The Space in Between. This installation explores her personal experience of displacement, using overlapping street sound from two different cities where she has lived. Shiyao’s project during her residency is to create a space of order and chaos wherein viewers will be invited to experience cultural conflicts in an abstract sense. Here she will approach displacement differently, by deconstructing it and focusing on chaotic cultural exchange. Sounds recorded from local streets and places around the world will overlay each other, forming dynamic chaos.

The work calls upon audiences to contribute to its final form. Analogous to the visitors’ movement and interaction in space, the installation is constantly changing. Shiyao believes that the installation will evoke audiences’ memories and feelings about the places they have lived. Moreover, it will unfold a conversation on the potential chaos in our nascent de-globalization world.  

Shiyau Fu is an emerging visual artist, who grew up in China and now a permanent resident in Canada, she resides in Mohkinstsis, also known as Calgary. She received her BFA (with Distinction) from the Alberta University of the Arts in 2018. Now a permanent resident in Canada Shiyao continues to pursue her artistic practice.

You can follow Shiyao on Instagram @shiyaoo 

We acknowledge the generous support of Calgary Arts Development,  the Province of Alberta through Alberta Foundation for the Arts, and the Rozsa Foundation.